Chi Strike Your Opponents With the New Flesh & Blood Set, Part the Mistveil!

Pick up on Friday, May 31st

For ten thousand years our ancestors have walked the path well traveled.

Like the tiger stalking its prey… They have waited.

Like the snake hiding in the murky water… They have waited.

Like the waning faces of the moon… They have waited.

Until now.

The truth lies beyond the mist.

Venture into the cloaked valleys of Misteria to uncover ancient truths and traditions that will reshape your mind, body, and soul! Part the Mistveil features three new heroes across Assassin, Ninja, and Illusionist classes, as well as the incredible new Mystic talent.

Master the sacred arts to transcend beyond your natural limitations, unlocking hidden abilities powered by a unique new resource – Chi! Seduce your enemies into letting their guard down with Nuu, harness the power of Crouching Tigers with Zen, and ward off threats with the mysterious Enigma!

Part The Mistveil Booster Display – $84.99