Two Miniature Tournaments in September!

Two Kinds Of Fantasy With Age of Sigmar and Star Wars!

September is full of miniature events! First up we have the Star Wars Legion Store Championship on September 23rd at 11AM! Players will be playing for store credit, promos, plus an invite to Worlds! Entry will be $30, and players can sign up HERE! This will be the first of our two store championship events before the end of the year!

Then, on September 30th at 10:30AM, we’ll have our first Warhammer: Age of Sigmar event in the new store! This event will also cost $30, and have store credit prizes for the top players and best painted! Sign up HERE and be ready to prove your army’s strength!

That’s not all for September though! We’re also hosting an Escalation League for Warhammer 40k! More information for it can be found in this article over HERE! Millennium Games is full of miniatures events in September, and more are coming, so stay tuned!