Featured Events
Yu-Gi-Oh! Phantom Nightmare Premiere Event – Day 1
Feb. 3rd is Day 1 of our Premiere Event and packs of Phantom Nightmare will be on sale!
FREE! Warhammer: The Old World Demo
On Saturday, January 27th, from 12pm-5pm we'll be running FREE demos of The Old World system!
Magic: The Gathering Murders at Karlov Manor Two-Headed Giant Pre-Release
Millennium Games 1225 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY, United StatesYou and your teammate will each build a 40 card minimum deck using the contents of two Pre-Release Kits (6 booster packs and a special promo card). Win or lose,... Read more »
Magic: The Gathering Pauper Tournament
We'll be hosting a monthly Pauper tournament on the first Sunday of every month!
Yu-Gi-Oh! Phantom Nightmare Premiere Tournament – Day 2
Day 2: Win an Exclusive Playmat at Our Phantom Nightmare Premiere Tournament!
Warhammer 40K: Kill Team League
Millennium Games 1225 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY, United StatesStarting Tuesday February 6th, Millennium Games will be hosting a Warhammer 40k Kill Team Casual League!
Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader Tournament – February
Come play in our Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader Tournament on February 10th at 10:30am!
FREE RPG DEMO! 9th Level Games: Mazes & Kobolds Ate My Baby!
Millennium Games 1225 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY, United StatesJoin us on February 10th, when TTRPG publisher 9th Level Games will be stopping by Millennium to demo two of their bestselling roleplaying games: Mazes, and Kobolds Ate My Baby!
FREE DEMO! Star Wars Unlimited TCG Roadshow
Millennium Games 1225 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY, United StatesJoin us on February 10th to try out the new Star Wars Unlimited card game FREE, a month before release!
Murders at Karlov Manor Open House – Learn to Play!
Interested in learning Magic The Gathering, or have a friend who wants to learn? On Sunday, February 11th, we’ll be hosting an Open House during the release weekend of the new set, Murders at Karlov Manor!