Miniatures Events
Calendar of Events
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Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game Doubles
Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game Doubles
Sign-Ups: 10:00 amStart Time: Round 1 begins at 10:30 amFormat: 400 points per player, 800 point doubles tournament.Players MUST register on Longshanks HERE! after buying their ticket in order to participate in this event!Cost: $60 per team of 2 Prizes: Store Credit based on attendance for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Best Painted Team, as voted by the... Read more »
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All Day Miniatures Gaming
All Day Miniatures Gaming
Time: All day, beginning at 10:00 amOur official day for Miniature gaming! Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our Game Room all day for miniature gaming!Featured games include:Check out our MINIATURES FACEBOOK GROUP to coordinate play times and see what’s happening in the world of miniature gaming at Millennium!
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All Day Miniatures Gaming
All Day Miniatures Gaming
Time: All day, beginning at 10:00 amOur official day for Miniature gaming! Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our Game Room all day for miniature gaming!Featured games include:Check out our MINIATURES FACEBOOK GROUP to coordinate play times and see what’s happening in the world of miniature gaming at Millennium!
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Warhammer 40K RTT – New Year’s Retribution Team Tournament!
Warhammer 40K RTT – New Year’s Retribution Team Tournament!
Join us for 40K TEAM Tournament action on Saturday, January 18th!Our first event of the New Year will be a special 5-person TEAM event! Players will enter as a team of 5, with their cumulative scores deciding the winners! Please note that the tickets above are for the full 5-person team! For all additional rules... Read more »
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Heroscape Winter Tournament
Heroscape Winter Tournament
Get ready for strategic battles across snowy terrains at our Heroscape Winter Tournament!Sign-Ups: 10:00 amStart Time: 11:00 amFormat: 425 PointsPlayers will bring 3 different 425-point armies (no repeating units across the three armies)Start Zone - 18 hexes4 50-minute Rounds. Players will randomize their armies over the first three rounds so that each army is played... Read more »
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All Day Miniatures Gaming
All Day Miniatures Gaming
Time: All day, beginning at 10:00 amOur official day for Miniature gaming! Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our Game Room all day for miniature gaming!Featured games include:Check out our MINIATURES FACEBOOK GROUP to coordinate play times and see what’s happening in the world of miniature gaming at Millennium!
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All Day Miniatures Gaming
All Day Miniatures Gaming
Time: All day, beginning at 10:00 amOur official day for Miniature gaming! Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our Game Room all day for miniature gaming!Featured games include:Check out our MINIATURES FACEBOOK GROUP to coordinate play times and see what’s happening in the world of miniature gaming at Millennium!
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