Heroscape Tournament
March 23 @ 10:30 am – 4:00 pm
Sign-Ups: 10:30 am
Start Time: 11:00 am
Format: Build your armies using Delta Points (available at Heroscape Builder HERE).
Bring two 500-point armies that each fit within a 24-hex starting zone. No more than 50% of your armies may be Classi Units!
Cost: $15
This will be run through the Heroscape Battle Network!
Prizes: The first 16 players to will receive a Thyraxis Dragoon Miniature Promo!
Store Credit Prizes for Top Finisher and Best Painted/Repainted Classic Heroscape Figure (must be
included in your army).
This is a casual-level event. Basic knowledge of the rules is required to play, but come in early for a quick primer if you want to learn! Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned Heroscape
player, come test your skills and enjoy a day of friendly competition. See you on the battlefield!