Welcome Back!
Starting June 16th, we hope to see you all in the Game Room again, as Dungeons and Dragons returns on Wednesday nights for Adventurer’s League! The cost for players will be a $10 Credit Swap (pay $10 for the event and get back $10 in store credit)
DMs Wanted!
We are looking for DMs to run Historic, Season 10 (Plague of Ancients), Masters (Dreams of the Red Wizards), and Alternate (which is to say, Eberron!) sessions – either as one-offs, or as a continuing campaign!
DMs will also be compensated for their time and work! This is still being finalized, but will include free entry into the events, a discount on related D&D materials, and other perks! Please contact AJ at Millennium (aj@millenniumgames.com) or send us a message on Facebook
Our first session will be Wednesday, June 16th, but we would like to get people who are interested in DMing together ahead of time. If you are interested, join us at Millennium on Wednesday, June 9th at 6:30 PM to go over details, determine what games are going to be run, and work out logistics.
Weekly games resume Wednesday, June 16th at 6:00 PM!