Happy New Years!
Happy New Years!
All events will be canceled and Millennium Games will be closed for New Years. See you next year!
All events will be canceled and Millennium Games will be closed for New Years. See you next year!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Standard Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Digimon Pack Prizes based on attendanceEvents require a Bandai Card Game Club account to play. Click HERE to create an account!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Pioneer Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Pioneer? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Sign Up: 5:30 PMStart Time: 6:00 PMFormat: Standard, 3 RoundsPrizes: Pack with Entry2-1 gets $20 Store Credit, 3-0 gets $30 Store CreditPlayers need a Play Pokemon ID for tournaments. Not sure how to get one? Check HERE to find out!
Time: All day, beginning at 10:00 amOur official day for Miniature gaming! Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our Game Room all day for miniature gaming!Featured games include:Check out our MINIATURES FACEBOOK GROUP to coordinate play times and see what’s happening in the world of miniature gaming at Millennium!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Legacy Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Legacy? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Join us on Wednesday nights for Dungeons and Dragons Adventurer’s League!A $10 Credit Swap ($10 entry w/ $10 back in Store Credit) gets you in to play.If you are a new player, please arrive at least 30 minutes early so we can get you into a group!Join our group on Facebook to keep up do... Read more »
Sign in: 6:00 PMStart Time: 6:30 PMFormat Blitz ConstructedGet in on the action every Wednesday night! Win booster packs and exclusive Armory Kit prizes, like Extended Art Promos and Cold Foil Equipment, at these casual weekly events! These events will be using the Blitz format, which is ideal for beginners! Check out the rules for... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Modern Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Modern? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Advanced Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: 2 OTS packs on Entry4 Wins gets you 6 packs, 3 wins gets you 4!Current Yu-Gi-Oh Banned List HERE!Need a Konami ID? Download the Neuron App HERE!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Modern Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Modern? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
We will be teaching and playing a different Featured Game every Friday night! Beginning at 5:30 pm, we will be teaching our Featured Game for the week. We will have open copies available to play for the night. The featured game for January 6th will be Castle Panic 2nd Edition!We will be raffling off one... Read more »
Time: The draft seats promptly at 6:00 pm.As this event requires players to be present for the draft, you must be here by 6:00 pm to participate in this event. Late entries cannot be accepted.Round 1 will begin after deckbuilding is completed.Players may not enter this event after 6:00 pm.Format: Booster Draft using the current Standard Magic set. Keep... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 6:00 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:30 pmFormat: My Hero Academia Only Constructed. 3 roundsPrizes: Pack Prizes based upon attendance, promo packs when available
Sign Up: 11:30 AMStart Time: 12:00 PMFormat: Draft, 3 RoundsWield the power of the past! Celebrate the history of Magic on Dominaria across 27 sets and 30 years of gameplay! Entry will include your 3 Dominaria Remastered Draft packs for the event. Your entry will also come with an exclusive Counterspell Promo just for playing! Every... Read more »
Time: Sign-ups start at 5:00 pmFormat: Commander League play. Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our game room all night for Commander play! This is a non tournament setting, bring your friends and play or come and meet new players!Want to know what Commander is? Click here!Sign in using MTG Companion App for raffles based... Read more »
Sign Up: 11:30 AMStart Time: 12:00 PMFormat: Draft, 3 RoundsWield the power of the past! Celebrate the history of Magic on Dominaria across 27 sets and 30 years of gameplay! Entry will include your 3 Dominaria Remastered Draft packs for the event. Your entry will also come with an exclusive Counterspell Promo just for playing! Every... Read more »
Time: Sign-ups start at 10:00 AMFormat: Commander League play. Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our game room all day for Commander play! This is a non tournament setting, bring your friends and play or come and meet new players!Want to know what Commander is? Click here!Sign in using MTG Companion App for raffles based... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 12:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 1:00 pmPlayers entering after 1:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Advanced Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Players will get 2 OTS packs on Entry.4 Wins gets you 6 set packs, 3 wins gets you 4!Current Yu-Gi-Oh Banned List HERE!Need a Konami ID? Download the Neuron App HERE!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Standard Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Digimon Pack Prizes based on attendanceEvents require a Bandai Card Game Club account to play. Click HERE to create an account!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Pioneer Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Pioneer? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Sign Up: 5:30 PMStart Time: 6:00 PMFormat: Standard, 3 RoundsPrizes: Pack with Entry2-1 gets $20 Store Credit, 3-0 gets $30 Store CreditPlayers need a Play Pokemon ID for tournaments. Not sure how to get one? Check HERE to find out!
Time: All day, beginning at 10:00 amOur official day for Miniature gaming! Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our Game Room all day for miniature gaming!Featured games include:Check out our MINIATURES FACEBOOK GROUP to coordinate play times and see what’s happening in the world of miniature gaming at Millennium!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Legacy Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Legacy? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Join us on Wednesday nights for Dungeons and Dragons Adventurer’s League!A $10 Credit Swap ($10 entry w/ $10 back in Store Credit) gets you in to play.If you are a new player, please arrive at least 30 minutes early so we can get you into a group!Join our group on Facebook to keep up do... Read more »
Sign in: 6:00 PMStart Time: 6:30 PMFormat Blitz ConstructedGet in on the action every Wednesday night! Win booster packs and exclusive Armory Kit prizes, like Extended Art Promos and Cold Foil Equipment, at these casual weekly events! These events will be using the Blitz format, which is ideal for beginners! Check out the rules for... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Modern Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Modern? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Advanced Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: 2 OTS packs on Entry4 Wins gets you 6 packs, 3 wins gets you 4!Current Yu-Gi-Oh Banned List HERE!Need a Konami ID? Download the Neuron App HERE!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Modern Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Modern? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
We will be teaching and playing a different Featured Game every Friday night! Beginning at 5:30 pm, we will be teaching our Featured Game for the week. We will have open copies available to play for the night. The featured game for January 13th will be Nidavellir!We will be raffling off one open copy of... Read more »
Time: The draft seats promptly at 6:00 pm.As this event requires players to be present for the draft, you must be here by 6:00 pm to participate in this event. Late entries cannot be accepted.Round 1 will begin after deckbuilding is completed.Players may not enter this event after 6:00 pm.Format: Booster Draft using the current Standard Magic set. Keep... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 6:00 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:30 pmFormat: My Hero Academia Only Constructed. 3 roundsPrizes: Pack Prizes based upon attendance, promo packs when available
Sign Up: 11:30 AMStart Time: 12:00 PMFormat: Dominaria Remastered Sealed Wield the power of the past! Celebrate the history of Magic on Dominaria across 27 sets and 30 years of gameplay! Entry will include 6 packs of Dominaria Remastered to build your deck. Every round you win will also get you an additional pack of Dominaria... Read more »
Time: Sign-ups start at 5:00 pmFormat: Commander League play. Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our game room all night for Commander play! This is a non tournament setting, bring your friends and play or come and meet new players!Want to know what Commander is? Click here!Sign in using MTG Companion App for raffles based... Read more »
Sign Up: 9:45 AMStart Time: 10:00 AMFormat: Classic ConstructedPrizes: Resource Coins, Limited Dragon Shield Sleeves, 1st Place Pro Tour invite and Gold Cold Foil, Packs based on attendance.ONLINE TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT AND RESOURCE COINS ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE. PLENTY OF MORE SPACE FOR WALK INS!Come win some FaBulous prizes in our first ProQuest of... Read more »
Time: Sign-ups start at 10:00 AMFormat: Commander League play. Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our game room all day for Commander play! This is a non tournament setting, bring your friends and play or come and meet new players!Want to know what Commander is? Click here!Sign in using MTG Companion App for raffles based... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 12:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 1:00 pmPlayers entering after 1:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Advanced Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Players will get 2 OTS packs on Entry.4 Wins gets you 6 set packs, 3 wins gets you 4!Current Yu-Gi-Oh Banned List HERE!Need a Konami ID? Download the Neuron App HERE!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Standard Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Digimon Pack Prizes based on attendanceEvents require a Bandai Card Game Club account to play. Click HERE to create an account!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Pioneer Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Pioneer? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Sign Up: 5:30 PMStart Time: 6:00 PMFormat: Standard, 3 RoundsPrizes: Pack with Entry2-1 gets $20 Store Credit, 3-0 gets $30 Store CreditPlayers need a Play Pokemon ID for tournaments. Not sure how to get one? Check HERE to find out!
Time: All day, beginning at 10:00 amOur official day for Miniature gaming! Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our Game Room all day for miniature gaming!Featured games include:Check out our MINIATURES FACEBOOK GROUP to coordinate play times and see what’s happening in the world of miniature gaming at Millennium!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Legacy Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Legacy? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Join us on Wednesday nights for Dungeons and Dragons Adventurer’s League!A $10 Credit Swap ($10 entry w/ $10 back in Store Credit) gets you in to play.If you are a new player, please arrive at least 30 minutes early so we can get you into a group!Join our group on Facebook to keep up do... Read more »
Sign in: 6:00 PMStart Time: 6:30 PMFormat Blitz ConstructedGet in on the action every Wednesday night! Win booster packs and exclusive Armory Kit prizes, like Extended Art Promos and Cold Foil Equipment, at these casual weekly events! These events will be using the Blitz format, which is ideal for beginners! Check out the rules for... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Modern Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Modern? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Advanced Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: 2 OTS packs on Entry4 Wins gets you 6 packs, 3 wins gets you 4!Current Yu-Gi-Oh Banned List HERE!Need a Konami ID? Download the Neuron App HERE!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Modern Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Modern? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
We will be teaching and playing a different Featured Game every Friday night! Beginning at 5:30 pm, we will be teaching our Featured Game for the week. We will have open copies available to play for the night. The featured game for January 20th will be Honey buzz!We will be raffling off one open copy... Read more »
Time: The draft seats promptly at 6:00 pm.As this event requires players to be present for the draft, you must be here by 6:00 pm to participate in this event. Late entries cannot be accepted.Round 1 will begin after deckbuilding is completed.Players may not enter this event after 6:00 pm.Format: Booster Draft using the current Standard Magic set. Keep... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 6:00 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:30 pmFormat: My Hero Academia Only Constructed. 3 roundsPrizes: Pack Prizes based upon attendance, promo packs when available
We have Fun and Games!Saturday, January 21st, we will be hosting our first Board Game Saturday of 2023!Here’s what will be happening:All Day Board Gaming!Play board games in our game room, ALL DAY! We will have volunteers on hand to teach some specific games throughout the day, and pick-up games will be going on all... Read more »
Time: Sign-ups start at 5:00 pmFormat: Commander League play. Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our game room all night for Commander play! This is a non tournament setting, bring your friends and play or come and meet new players!Want to know what Commander is? Click here!Sign in using MTG Companion App for raffles based... Read more »
Time: Sign-ups start at 10:00 AMFormat: Commander League play. Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our game room all day for Commander play! This is a non tournament setting, bring your friends and play or come and meet new players!Want to know what Commander is? Click here!Sign in using MTG Companion App for raffles based... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 12:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 1:00 pmPlayers entering after 1:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Advanced Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Players will get 2 OTS packs on Entry.4 Wins gets you 6 set packs, 3 wins gets you 4!Current Yu-Gi-Oh Banned List HERE!Need a Konami ID? Download the Neuron App HERE!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Standard Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Digimon Pack Prizes based on attendanceEvents require a Bandai Card Game Club account to play. Click HERE to create an account!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Pioneer Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Pioneer? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Sign Up: 5:30 PMStart Time: 6:00 PMFormat: Standard, 3 RoundsPrizes: Pack with Entry2-1 gets $20 Store Credit, 3-0 gets $30 Store CreditPlayers need a Play Pokemon ID for tournaments. Not sure how to get one? Check HERE to find out!
Time: All day, beginning at 10:00 amOur official day for Miniature gaming! Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our Game Room all day for miniature gaming!Featured games include:Check out our MINIATURES FACEBOOK GROUP to coordinate play times and see what’s happening in the world of miniature gaming at Millennium!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Legacy Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Legacy? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Join us on Wednesday nights for Dungeons and Dragons Adventurer’s League!A $10 Credit Swap ($10 entry w/ $10 back in Store Credit) gets you in to play.If you are a new player, please arrive at least 30 minutes early so we can get you into a group!Join our group on Facebook to keep up do... Read more »
Sign in: 6:00 PMStart Time: 6:30 PMFormat Blitz ConstructedGet in on the action every Wednesday night! Win booster packs and exclusive Armory Kit prizes, like Extended Art Promos and Cold Foil Equipment, at these casual weekly events! These events will be using the Blitz format, which is ideal for beginners! Check out the rules for... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Modern Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Modern? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Advanced Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: 2 OTS packs on Entry4 Wins gets you 6 packs, 3 wins gets you 4!Current Yu-Gi-Oh Banned List HERE!Need a Konami ID? Download the Neuron App HERE!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Modern Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Modern? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
We will be teaching and playing a different Featured Game every Friday night! Beginning at 5:30 pm, we will be teaching our Featured Game for the week. We will have open copies available to play for the night. The featured game for January 27th will be Quacks of Quendlinberg!We will be raffling off one open... Read more »
Time: The draft seats promptly at 6:00 pm.As this event requires players to be present for the draft, you must be here by 6:00 pm to participate in this event. Late entries cannot be accepted.Round 1 will begin after deckbuilding is completed.Players may not enter this event after 6:00 pm.Format: Booster Draft using the current Standard Magic set. Keep... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 6:00 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:30 pmFormat: My Hero Academia Only Constructed. 3 roundsPrizes: Pack Prizes based upon attendance, promo packs when available
Sign Up: 10:00 AMStart Time: 10:30 AMRounds: 2.5 hour rounds, with a lunch break after Round 1.Prizes: Store Credit for 1st-3rd and Best PaintedFormat: Nephilim GT Packet rules will be used for this tournament. Due to the limited nature of the Nephilim Pack, a printed packet (including info for the 3 missions played for this... Read more »
Time: Sign-ups start at 5:00 pmFormat: Commander League play. Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our game room all night for Commander play! This is a non tournament setting, bring your friends and play or come and meet new players!Want to know what Commander is? Click here!Sign in using MTG Companion App for raffles based... Read more »
Start Time: 1PMFormat: Advanced ConstructedCome play in our special Yu-Gi-Oh! day event! Players will receive 3 booster packs of Amazing Defenders on entry and play for a special Playmat for 1st place and a Field Center Card for Top 8. Both prizes will be themed around Amazing Defenders! One Playmat will also be awarded at... Read more »
Time: Sign-ups start at 10:00 AMFormat: Commander League play. Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our game room all day for Commander play! This is a non tournament setting, bring your friends and play or come and meet new players!Want to know what Commander is? Click here!Sign in using MTG Companion App for raffles based... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 12:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 1:00 pmPlayers entering after 1:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Advanced Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Players will get 2 OTS packs on Entry.4 Wins gets you 6 set packs, 3 wins gets you 4!Current Yu-Gi-Oh Banned List HERE!Need a Konami ID? Download the Neuron App HERE!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Standard Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Digimon Pack Prizes based on attendanceEvents require a Bandai Card Game Club account to play. Click HERE to create an account!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Pioneer Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Pioneer? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Sign Up: 5:30 PMStart Time: 6:00 PMFormat: Standard, 3 RoundsPrizes: Pack with Entry2-1 gets $20 Store Credit, 3-0 gets $30 Store CreditPlayers need a Play Pokemon ID for tournaments. Not sure how to get one? Check HERE to find out!
Time: All day, beginning at 10:00 amOur official day for Miniature gaming! Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our Game Room all day for miniature gaming!Featured games include:Check out our MINIATURES FACEBOOK GROUP to coordinate play times and see what’s happening in the world of miniature gaming at Millennium!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Legacy Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Legacy? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Join us on Wednesday nights for Dungeons and Dragons Adventurer’s League!A $10 Credit Swap ($10 entry w/ $10 back in Store Credit) gets you in to play.If you are a new player, please arrive at least 30 minutes early so we can get you into a group!Join our group on Facebook to keep up do... Read more »
Sign in: 6:00 PMStart Time: 6:30 PMFormat Blitz ConstructedGet in on the action every Wednesday night! Win booster packs and exclusive Armory Kit prizes, like Extended Art Promos and Cold Foil Equipment, at these casual weekly events! These events will be using the Blitz format, which is ideal for beginners! Check out the rules for... Read more »
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Modern Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Modern? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Advanced Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: 2 OTS packs on Entry4 Wins gets you 6 packs, 3 wins gets you 4!Current Yu-Gi-Oh Banned List HERE!Need a Konami ID? Download the Neuron App HERE!
Sign-ups begin at 5:30 pmRound 1 begins promptly at 6:00 pmPlayers entering after 6:00 pm will receive a round 1 lossFormat: Modern Constructed. 4 roundsPrizes: Go 4-0 and get $40 in Store Credit!Go 3-1 and get $30 in Store Credit!Want to know about Modern? Click here!All Tournaments will be tracked using the MTG Companion App
You’ll build a 40-card minimum deck using the contents of a Pre-release Kit (6 booster packs and a special promo card). Win or lose, you get to keep all of the cards you opened in your Pre-Release Kit. You’ll also walk away with a special promo card – a foil stamped Rare or Mythic card from... Read more »
We will be teaching and playing a different Featured Game every Friday night! Beginning at 5:30 pm, we will be teaching our Featured Game for the week. We will have open copies available to play for the night. The featured game for February 3rd will be Bad Company!We will be raffling off one open copy... Read more »
Time: The draft seats promptly at 6:00 pm.As this event requires players to be present for the draft, you must be here by 6:00 pm to participate in this event. Late entries cannot be accepted.Round 1 will begin after deckbuilding is completed.Players may not enter this event after 6:00 pm.Format: Booster Draft using the current Standard Magic set. Keep... Read more »
Come play the new set early with our three events at 10AM, 2PM, and 6PM! You’ll build a 40-card minimum deck using the contents of a Pre-release Kit (6 booster packs and a special promo card). Win or lose, you get to keep all of the cards you opened in your Pre-Release Kit. You’ll also walk... Read more »
Starting at 11:00AM, we'll have the new Yu-Gi-Oh! set, Photon Hypernova for sale! Packs will be $4.49 each, limit 1 box per customer. Anyone who purchases 5 or more packs will receive a promo Field Center Card!
Time: Sign-ups start at 5:00 pmFormat: Commander League play. Your $10 Credit Swap gets you a seat in our game room all night for Commander play! This is a non tournament setting, bring your friends and play or come and meet new players!Want to know what Commander is? Click here!Sign in using MTG Companion App for raffles based... Read more »