Interested in learning a new game or two? Participate in a FREE demo! Learn game basics, factions, flavor, and what you need to get started from our fleet of experienced miniatures gamers. Demos will last around a half hour.
Want to get started with a new game? Good news! Starter boxes for our various games will be on sale for a whopping 30% off! This sale will be exclusive for Miniatures Madness on July 10th.
Participate in a demo and you will also receive a coupon good for one month that you can redeem for 20% off a total purchase for that game system!
Demos will include A Song of Ice & Fire, Warmachine/Hordes, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Kill Team, Blood Bowl, Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Legion, Heroclix and Monsterpocalypse!